Igpaw is an educational augmented reality game that teaches about the history of Intramuros. To play the game, you will use your mobile device — phone or tablet — to interact with mystical beings and historical characters, layered on top of modern-day Intramuros. The game is location-based, which means you need to be in Intramuros to actually play the game.
This policy describes what information we collect and how they are used. As you use the game, we want you to be clear how we’re using your information.
Information We Collect, Why They Are Collected, and How They Are Protected
Device Information
Device information, such as the operating system, model, processor, and memory, are collected to gather data regarding the different types of devices the game has been run on and to determine which kinds of devices are able to run the game.
Only general information about the device used is collected. Any data pertaining to the identity of the user (e.g. name, gender, age, etc.) is not obtained.
GPS Coordinates
Being a location-based game, collection of relevant GPS Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, Compass) is necessary to determine whether the player is indeed in Intramuros when playing the game. Additionally, to display the player’s current location and the next location to which the player has to head to.
The GPS location is only sent to the analytics server whenever the player enters a specific scene of the game. Any other actions taken by the player while playing the game will not make the application send the location of the player to the analytics server. The GPS location is used only to determine whether the player is actually within the Intramuros area or not. It is not in any way shared with other players using the game.
Progress / Events in the Game
These are information on the scenes played by the users. Collection of these information is crucial to help us determine which particular scenes, if any, are the players having a hard time completing. It would also help identify the number of players who are able to compete the objectives of every scene in the game. Also, to determine the path taken by the players while playing the game.
The data sent to the analytics server only describes particular events that happened within the game or the milestones the players were able to achieve. Again, any data pertaining to the identity of the player is not collected.
Information Security
All information collected as mentioned above are only used to maintain, improve and develop the game. None of these are shared publicly with other users through the game or any other medium.
When this Privacy Policy Applies
This Privacy Policy applies upon download and use of the game. It does not cover the information practices of other organizations that may use and advertise the game.
This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Any significant changes will be announced accordingly for appropriate transparency and user compliance.