On behalf of principal authors Thea Faye Guia and Jose Carlo Soriano, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo presented ALLS posters entitled “Modeling the affective states of students using SQL-Tutor” and “A cross-cultural comparison of effective help-seeking behavior among students using an ITS for math” during the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems held in Chania, Greece. Ms. Guia’s paper was a collaboration between the Ateneo de Manila and Dr. Antonja Mitrovic of the University of Canterbury. The authors were able to arrive at a statistically significant linear regression model for student boredom.
Mr. Soriano’s paper was a collaboration among researchers from the Ateneo de Manila, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Arizona State University, and the Universidad de Costa Rica. The authors found that help seeking behavior varied from country to country. Models for help seeking from one country performed poorly when applied to data from another country. This implied that help seeking has a strong cultural dimension.