The 4th International Workshop on Empathic Computing
( will be held in conjunction with the 2013 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence to be held in Beijing, China. The workshop solicits original papers on the area of affective and empathic computing.
( will be held in conjunction with the 2013 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence to be held in Beijing, China. The workshop solicits original papers on the area of affective and empathic computing.
The important dates are as follows:
Submission of Abstracts: April 15, 2013 |
Submission of Full Papers: April 20, 2013 |
Paper Acceptance Notification: May 20, 2013 |
Camera-ready paper submission: May 30, 2013 |
IWEC-13: August 3-5, 2013 |
Paper Submission and Proceedings
Submitted papers must be formatted according to IJCAI guidelines and submitted electronically through the paper submission system. Full instructions including formatting guidelines and electronic templates are available on the IJCAI 2013 website.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work. Authors will be required to agree to this requirement at the time of submission.
Please see attached [CFP]for more details.