Dr. Rodrigo Presents at the Technology-Assisted Teaching and Learning for Whole Person Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Asia

Last May 16-18, 2018, co-presented by the United Board and Hong Kong Baptist University, the conference on Technology-Assisted Teaching and Learning for Whole-Person Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Asia explores current trends and disruptions impacting higher education in Asia – and the innovative ways in which colleges and universities leverage technological advances for the promotion of whole person education.  It featured keynote presentations by Google and leaders in Asian higher education, this unique conference provides an opportunity to hear directly from those at the forefront of innovation, as well from pivotal higher education leaders and technology pioneers within Asia.

Dr. Rodrigo had presented a talk on the construction of Igpaw: Intramuros as well as the soon-to-be-released Igpaw: Loyola. The talk had focused on the foundation set by the mobile AR game engine, MAGIS, on the development of both versions of Igpaw, the educational goals that guided the creation of Igpaw, and the various opportunities that may contribute to the the future design and technological contributions of the platfom.

Slides available here.

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