“Outfoxing the Data: Cagy Methods for Determining When to Interview Students About Their Learning” by Dr. Jaclyn Ocumpaugh

One recent advancement in tools for understanding student emotions is the development of a new research tool, an Android App called The Quick Red Fox (QRF). QRF is designed to work with affect detection models that have been embedded within educational software systems, so that researchers can be alerted in real time to important changes in students behavior and emotions. This advancement can assist researchers in empirically determining when to interview a student about their affective experiences with the learning software.


This talk will discuss the design and use of QRF to study student learning in Betty’s Brain, a computer-based learning environment (CBLE) designed to support self-regulated learning of science inquiry skills. In particular, it will discuss how we determined when to interview a given student, and the implications of these decisions. It will also discuss preliminary findings related to student interviews, which constitute a unique form of self-report data that can help us to better understand students’ learning experiences.


Watch the talk now!

You may view the slides here.


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