Program: Educational Data Mining Workshop with Dr. Joseph E. Beck

Educational Data Mining Workshop with Dr. Joseph E. Beck

28 May 2012, 09:00-17:00
29 May 2012, 09:00-12:00

Ching Tan Room, Ateneo de Manila University


  1. Thrashing: Examining Students who Fail to Learn Material in a Timely Manner [PDF]
  2. ASSISTments + Web Pages = WEBsistments: Integrating Procedural Practice and Web-based Content [PDF]
  3. EdRank: Ranking Webpages by Their Educational Efficacy [PDF]
  4. VAL: Virtual ASSISTments Laboratory [PDF]
  5. Too Many Results: Focusing on  Strong, Casual Relationships in Data [PDF]
  6. Graduate Studies in the US and at WPI [PDF]


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